Have you forgotten or lost your username?

We can send you a reminder and if you have more than one account, we'll send you all of them in one go.

We need your usual name when you registered, usually just your first name and last name.

We need your registered email address too. It's the one you gave us when the account was setup or when you last asked for it to be changed. We will have sent other emails to this address in the past, so you might be able to find these earlier emails to confirm your email address, if you don't know which one is registered.

We will check our records and send you an email to your registered address, but only if your name and email matches our records. We will send the email straightaway, but you should allow a few minutes for it to arrive. If it does not, check your 'spam' folders or systems.

Note: No email will be sent if the details don't match and you should contact support to get this sorted out.

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